From the very beginning TissueGnostics developed its products in close cooperation with scientists and research facilities from all over the world to ensure the effectiveness of TissueGnostics systems in everyday laboratory life. Together with Academic and Industrial Partners all over the world TissueGnostics faces the challenges of ever-changing research requirements.
The project “eRaDicate” is an EU-supported Horizon-Europe Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral-Network (DN) offering an international, multi- & interdisciplinary as well as inter-sectoral training, research and development programme in the cancer field. The scientific aims of eRaDicate are for the doctoral candidates to test novel nuclear-receptor targeting drugs as anti-cancer agents, such as the retinoic acid receptor (RAR) and the vitamin D receptor (VDR) using a variety of molecular biology and biochemical methods, as well as bioinformatics approaches. The project was launched at the kick-off meeting at TissueGnostics in Vienna from the 7. to 9.2.2024.
Brazilian Society of Microscopy and Microanalysis (SBMM)
TissueGnostics is pleased to announce that we have become a new associated company of the Brazilian Society of Microscopy and Microanalysis (SBMM). The Brazilian Society of Microscopy and Microanalysis is the oldest society of microscopy in Latin America. It acts as a key player in the progress of research in Brazil and South America, with a dedication to the advancement of microscopy and microanalysis in all areas of science. We hope that this partnership will substantially contribute to the development of Brazilian science.
African Microscopy Initiative (AMI) Imaging Centre
TissueGnostics is a founding sponsor at the AMI Imaging Centre at University of Cape Town, South Africa, funded by Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation. It is accessible through peer-reviewed proposals, and offers TissueFAXS SL slide scanner for scientists working in Africa.
ARC Training Centre for Cell and Tissue Engineering Technologies 2022-2025
The ARC Training Centre for Cell and Tissue Engineering Technologies is a newly funded centre jointly led by Monash University in collaboration with the Queensland University of Technology and incorporates 22 partner organisations, including TissueGnostics.
STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS (SSBB) project 2022-2026
Funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions program, the STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS project is a research training consortium that will train 15 early stage researchers in drug development, infectiology, immunology and pharmacology. TissueGnostics acts as an industry partner, hosting 3 Doctoral Candidates and ready to provide equipment, service and training to the selected researchers in order to facilitate preclinical tests and track the bacteria and antibiotics in the test systems.
The Virtual Histopathologist for Precision Cancer Diagnostics 2022-2025
This cutting edge project aims at developing an AI-based decision support system for histopathology, which incorporates and expands TissueGnostics’ existing tissue cytometry platform through development of a deep learning algorithms within a transfer learning framework. The project has received funding within the Austrian Chamber of Commerce’s Life Science Call 2021 and is conducted with our partner Software Competence Centre Hagenberg (SCCH).
REDI fellowship with A/Prof. Jyotsna Batra, QUT/TRI
The Researcher Exchange and Development within Industry (REDI) Fellowship program supports prominent Australian researchers with entrepreneurism experiences and exposure to strengthen Australia’s successful translation and commercialisation of medical research. Associate Professor Jyotsna Batra, QUT Centre for Genomics and Personalised Medicine, will develop antibodies that detect prostate cancer with TissueGnostics in Vienna.
ANID Fondequip 2020
Dr. Nicholas E. Ottone and his team members from Universidad de la Frontera, Chile, acquired TissueFAXS i Plus microscopy platform via the equipment contest FONDEQUIP. They used it for the lastest research and published several scientific papers using the platform to investigate NETotic cells and NETosis. Visit their website to know more about their current research:
K1 Excellence Centre microONE - microplastic & cancer 2022-2025
microONE is a research project elucidating the knowledge gap on the relationship between micro-/nanoplastic particles and cancer. The community of researchers and industry partners including TissueGnostics work together to provide evidence on how different particles influence tumor development and spread by using colorectal cancer (CRC), one of the most frequent tumor entities and prone to contact with micro- and nanoparticles in the gut, as an example.
COMET-Zentrum VASCage
VASCage - Research Center on Vascular Aging and Stroke - is a COMET center based in Innsbruck. The focus is on stroke and its most common cause, age-related changes in the blood vessels - a topic with dramatically increasing relevance. VASCage is unique worldwide with this combination and, with its applied orientation, fills a research and market gap between basic and clinical research. In the COMET center VASCage, innovative strategies for diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation are developed. The partners are world-leading experts from universities, clinics and companies from the EU and the USA, including TissueGnostics.
COMULIS: COST Action 2018–2023 (prolonged to 2025)
COMULIS (Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences) is a COST (Collaboration in Science and Technology) Action. TissueGnostics has been a member of COMULIS from the beginning, and TG experts participated in writing a book chapter on Tissue Image Cytometry in the Compendium on Imaging Modalities for Biological and Preclinical Research. This is an immediate output of TG's membership in COMULIS. Due to the successful networking efforts of the COMULIS Consortium, the COST Action was awarded additional funding from COST via the COST Innovators Grant (CIG 17121) MultEMPlex as well as a very prestigious grant from the Chan-Zuckerberg-Initiative to expand the collaborations worldwide via COMULISglobe.
Euro-BioImaging Industry Board (EBIB)
TissueGnostics is a member of the Euro BioImaging Industry Board (EBIB). In cooperation with other members, TG aims to meet the increasing research needs in the fields of microscopy, molecular imaging, image analysis and tissue cytometry, offering its expertise to expand the boundaries of the current research. The resulting cooperation offers multiple webinars, training opportunities, equipment support and knowledge exchange with the members of Euro Bioimaging Board and European researchers interested in microscopy, digital image analysis and tissue cytometry.
Deep Learning for Oral Dysplasia Classification 2022-2025
TissueGnostics, the University Clinic of Dentistry, and the Danube Private University received funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency for their project AutOPathStage. The project aims to develop a deep learning-based decision support system for classification of oral dysplasia – a disease of the oral cavity with malignant potential. The project team offered a postdoc position for a computer scientist.
De Novo SoftwareTM (Industrial Partner)
De Novo Software™ has been providing data analysis solutions for cytometry-based research since 1998 with the goal of bridging the gap between image/flow cytometry data acquisition and results. FCS Express™ Image Cytometry, combines a flexible and familiar Microsoft® Office like user interface with extensive image cytometry analysis tools based on flow cytometry analysis workflows. It allows researchers to easily create publication ready charts, and displays coupled with access to advanced statistics, and machine learning tools such as t-SNE, UMAP, FlowSOM. The application enables researchers to move from raw data to understandable, presentation-ready results all while retaining real time linking between images, segmentation masks, and final results.
Oroboros Instruments (Industrial Partner)
Oroboros Instruments distributes the gold standard for high-resolution respirometry. Around the world, labs, research centers, hospitals, pharmaceutical and biotech companies use Oroboros O2k technology for their mitochondrial and cell research. Trusted O2k instruments and protocols enable researchers and clinicians to study mitochondrial function in a wide range of applications including cancer, diabetes, aging, neurodegeneration, exercise physiology and mitochondrial medicine.
HELICAL 2019-2023
HEalth data LInkage for ClinicAL benefit is a training network comprising 17 academic and 9 non-academic/industry partners for early stage researchers in the field of Healthcare Data Linkage for clinical usage in the GDPR era.
DeepNucleiDetection 2020-2022
Deep Learning-based knowledge transfer methods for nuclei segmentation in microscopic images - Austrian Research Promotion Agency funded "Bridge Young Scientists" Project. This project is a collaboration between TissueGnostics, Prof. Isabella Ellinger (Institute for Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna) and Prof. Georg Dorffner (Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support, Medical University Vienna).
CaSR Biomedicine 2016-2020
The Medical University of Vienna has coordinated an international research project, which investigated the effectiveness of tried and tested medicines for the treatment of some of the heaviest burdens of our modern society including diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. One molecule that these disorders have in common is a receptor known as the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR).
ALKATRAS 2014-2018
The European Research Initiative (ERIA) was instigated to coordinate research into Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK)-related malignancies to facilitate the development of less-toxic and more efficacious therapies. ALK is increasingly recognised as a prevalent oncogene in a number of human malignancies and therefore poses a prominent clinical problem.
InCeM 2014-2018
InCeM - Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility. Its primary research focus was cell migration, a fundamental biological process occurring throughout the human body at any point in life.
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