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TissueFAXS Viewer
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The TissueFAXS Viewer

The TissueFAXS viewer is the freely downloadable and distributable viewer for viewing and annotating regions of interest in imaging projects scanned on TissueFAXS systems. The viewer is useful to both annotate objects of interest for, e.g., rescanning at higher magnifications, or for subsequent analysis with TissueGnostics analysis software, which imports the annotations as regions of interest.

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Systems without Slideloader

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 4.0 viewer, 32 bit

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 4.0 viewer, 64 bit

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 6.0 viewer, 64 bit (6.0.6245.146)

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 7.0 viewer, 64 bit (7.0.6245.141)

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 7.1 viewer, 64 bit (

Systems with Slideloader

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 200 5.0 viewer, 32 bit

The latest version for the TissueFAXS 200 5.0 viewer, 64 bit

The latest version for the TissueFAXS SL 6.0 viewer, 64 bit

The latest version for the TissueFAXS SL 7.0 viewer, 64 bit (7.0.6245.135)

The latest version for the TissueFAXS SL 7.1 viewer, 64 bit (


Viewer Download Info

The TissueFAXS viewer versions need to match with the TissueFAXS scanning software versions on the respective TissueFAXS imaging system. 

TissueFAXS viewers open projects of the corresponding TissueFAXS version or older. If a TF viewer version newer that the corresponding TissueFAXS version is used the viewer will upgrade the .aqproj file of the project to its own version format. Once upgraded, it will not be possible to reopen it in the older TissueFAXS software or even in the coresponding analysis software of this suite. The TF viewer warns of such a situation on opening a TissueFAXS project - the file can be opened as Read Only for viewing (it will stay in its old format), or upgraded for making annotations. We advise to backup projects (the .aqproj file only) before opening them in the viewer if there is any doubt on the viewer compatibility. There are versions for both systems with slide loaders and those without.




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+43 1 216 11 90
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