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About us
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TissueGnostics is an innovative enterprise on the cutting edge of science and technology our activities are guided by economic principles. We provide our customers with a new generation of imaging and analysis tools for basic and clinical research.

We offer objectivity, quality and innovation and continuously demand it from ourselves. Through const professional development, We maintain top-level scientific standards and competence by constantly reviewing and improving our processes, both scientific and business.

Hallmarks of our work include creativity, commitment and mutual understanding at all levels of operation. We make sure that our staff members enjoy a pleasant working environment that brings out their best performance.


People are the focus of our work, whether they are patients, researchers, customers or staff members. We redefine ourselves constantly by building relationships between people and finding for the requirements of people.


Everyday communication is about people exchanging ideas. We promote sincere communication in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect to further creativity, satisfaction and social competence.

We are closely cooperating with clinicians and research facilities to ensure that our development work will always be customer-oriented. Custom requests and needs expressed by individuals are being incorporated to gear our products for a broad spectrum of challenges.


We are making every effort to promote a sense of community enabling us to act as a team.

Our daily interactions are guided by mutual respect and pervaded by a peer-to-peer spirit. We strongly believe that social competence should not be a hollow phrase. Therefore we practice what we preach.

Our efforts are supported by solid training, continuous professional development, setting targets, and being responsible individuals. We cannot accept poor working conditions.

  • 2024 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network
    eRaDicate - develop new therapies against cancer stem cell-driven relapse and metastasis (Grant Agreement 101119427; 2024-2027)
  • 2023 COMET, FFG
    VAScage - Advancing stroke research for a healthier future (2023-2027)
  • 2022 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network
    SSBB - Stop Spread Bad Bugs (Grant Agreement 101073263; 2022-2026)
  • 2022 Bridge Project, FFG
    AutOPathStage: Entwicklung eines Deep Learning-basierten Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems für die Klassifizierung oraler Dysplasie Grade (43876222; 2022 - 2025)
  • 2022 Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Innovation/18 - 21+
    The Virtual Histopathologist for Precision Cancer Diagnostics (ID 4141703; 2022 - 2025)
  • 2021 REDI Industry Fellowship Program in collaboration with Queensland University of Technology
    Development of a novel in situ tool for prostate cancer precision diagnostics (2022 - 2023)
  • 2021 COMET K1 Competence Centres for Excellent Technologies
    Program microONE – Microplastic Particles: a Hazard for Human Health? (2022 – 2025)
  • 2020 Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, Innovation/18 - 21+
    Quantitative Multiplexing Technology for Molecular Profiling in Precision Medicine (ID 3618217; 2020 - 2023)
  • 2020 K1 Center
    S3AI - Security and Safety for Shared AI by Deep Model Design (2020 – 2023)
  • 2019 Bridge Project, FFG
    Deep nuclei analysis: Deep learning for improved nuclei segmentation and knowledge transfer methods in microscopic images (FFG Project No. 872636; 2019-2022)
  • 2018 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network (Horizon 2020)
    Helical: establishment of a European training network to prepare the next generation of Health Informatics Researchers (Grant Agreement 813545; 2019-2022)
  • 2016 1st Place in the category „Image Analysis“
    in the 3rd International Scanner Contest during the 13th European Congress on Digital Pathology at the Charité Berlin, Germany
  • 2015 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network (Horizon 2020)
    Calcium Sensing Receptor (CaSR): Biomedicine; (Grant Agreement 675228; 2016-2020)
  • 2014 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network (FP7)
    European Network on Cell Migration Studies (InCeM, Grant Agreement 642866; 2015-2019)
  • 2014 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network (FP7)
    ALK Activation as a target of TRAnslational Science: Break free from Cancer (ALKATRAS, Grant Agreement 675712; 2015-2019)
  • 2013 ZIT Innovation
    „Entwicklung eines Systems zur Isolation von einzelnen Prostatakarzinomstammzellen“ (2013-2015)
  • 2012 Marie Skłodowska‐Curie European Training Network (FP7)
    Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology (AIDPATH, Grant Agreement 612471; 2013-2017)
  • 2011 ZIT Call-Innovation
    Entwicklung und Validierung eines Analyseautomaten für Körperflüssigkeiten und peripheres Blut
  • 2011 Science2Bussines Award
    Kooperationspartner: Med. Uni. Wien, Univ. Prof. DI. Dr. Isabella Ellinger
  • 2009 ZIT Call
    Patient im Fokus (2.Preis) Methode zur validierten, quantitativen Analyse von Biomarkern beim Mammakarzinom
  • 2009 Oncotyrol, Centre for personalized medicine
    Prostate Biobank - new marker selection for treatment
  • 2008 Bridge Project, FFG
    Automatisierte Zellerkennungstechnologie fuer Forschung und Diagnose
  • 2007 EU-Projekt
    Cryobanking of stem cells for human therapeutic applications
  • 2006 GENAU-Projekt mit der Uni Innsbruck, Urologie
    ProCAP Prostate Cancer Proteomics
  • 2004 WWTF Life Science Call Start-up
    Preis Entwicklung eines Gewebecytometers für die klinische Diagnostik



TissueGnostics was established in 2003 in Austria after nearly a decade of basic research. The goal was to supply scientists with qualitative and observer independent results for cell and tissue analysis in tissue context and this in automated format and significantly less time. Katja Österreicher, Georg Steiner and Dr. Rupert Ecker, the three co-founders of the company, with the aid of a dozen of development partners (Medical University Vienna, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center New York, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research, Vienna; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle; Brighamand Women`s Hospital, Boston; etc.) succeeded in reaching this target by 2005.

The product launch of TissueFAXS 1.0 was in 2006 and provided tissue imaging and automated identification and functional characterization of single cells in tissue sections. In contrast to morphometry, which provides values referring to the metric dimensions of cells, the term “tissue cytometry” refers to quantification of molecular parameters. Though methodically different, tissue cytometry exhibits a functional similarity to flow cytometry. While flow cytometer is restricted to cells in suspension (e.g. blood) and cannot be applied to solid tissue, tissue cytometry refers to the cytometric analysis (as opposed to morphometric analysis) of histological sections. TissueGnostics has been the first manufacturer of tissue cytometers offering a flow cytometry-like workflow (but applied to tissue sections).

Today in 2022 TissueGnostics is a successfull company with subsidiaries in the EU, the USA and China and with customers on all continents.


TissueGnostics GmbH
Taborstraße 10/2/8
1020 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 216 11 90
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