InCeM 2014-2018
InCeM - Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility. Its primary focus of research was cell migration, a fundamental biological process occurring throughout the human body at any point in life.
It is essential for vital processes such as tissue formation and wound healing and drives tissue invasion during carcinogenesis. Understanding and controlling cell migration will have major clinical impact. InCeM was an international PhD programme for highly motivated young scientists, offering early-stage researchers the opportunity to improve their research and entrepreneurial skills and enhance their career prospects. This Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network was funded by the European Community’s Framework programme HORIZON 2020 (Grant Agreement 642866). InCeM provided an international and highly interdisciplinary framework of collaborators from academia and industry with core expertise in medicine, biology, biochemistry, image analysis, modelling and engineering. InCeM included 11 beneficiaries from six European countries and Israel. They were located at four universities, four research institutes, and three companies and provide core expertise in medicine, biology, biochemistry, image analysis, modelling and engineering. In addition, more partner organisations support the network. The four-year programme was launched in January 2015 and was coordinated by Professor Rudolf Leube of Uniklinik RWTH Aachen.